SRS Portfolio - 15 Jan 2021

The SRS portfolio moved in tandem with the rebound in the REIT market and showed an unrealised gain of $7,191 and the value reached a new high of $346,508.
It is also sitting on a cash balance of $188,858, which I have "failed" to deploy.
The SRS portfolio could have performed much better as cash is a drag and sometimes doing nothing - as in not selling Lendlease and UOB - would have done a better job for me . . . 🤕 . . but hindsight is always 20/20 . . . I had also wanted to deploy the cash in SRS into two other counters Credit Bureau Asia at 1.03 and AEM at 3.45 in late Dec, but I didn't pull the trigger due to hesitation and procrastination 😂
One key reason why I have been neglecting the SRS account is that I find the local stock market pretty boring - there is no volatility and you only play REITs, Banks or Tech-related stocks and they are quite 'limited' in quality and quantity. I will continue to dedicate the SRS account to stocks in these 3 categories as well as investing for the longer term horizon.
I mentioned that I was going global in Sep and have been having a lot of fun learning about these markets since, especially over the last 1 month. I traded the Hong Kong market in Meituan and Tencent, Softbank (Tokyo), ST Microelectronics (Paris) and many counters on NASDAQ such as Alibaba, AirBnB and Zoom Video. I have to admit I quite enjoy learning about these new markets even though the quantum of the trades are not big. What I like about these markets are the optionality and the volatility! For example - AirBnB and Doordash shot up by more than 20% in 3 short days (of course the reverse is true as well) 😱 You can see how my "profits for 2021" shot up in the chart below due primarily to AirBnB and Tencent but at one time, it was in the net loss due to Alibaba, so you will need to be able to "stomach the volatility" if you want to invest in these markets.
So far, the first 2 weeks of January have been "fun" with net profits at $12k but I am still learning the ropes and the nuances and temperament of the different markets.
Similarly, I would encourage you to expand your horizon to other markets as well in a slow and measured manner. My verdict so far - Hong Kong and US markets are most exciting, where they have the depth and the volatility.
Do remember to enjoy your journey while on your way to financial freedom!
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