SRS Portfolio 23 June 2024 + Top Up + Gyemoims

The SRS Portfolio had two corporate actions since my last update:
  • $1,218 distributions from Frasers Logistics and Commercial Trust 
  • $15,300 top up for 2024
The portfolio value stands at $406,014, with a cash balance of $21,914.

My SRS journey started in 2006 with $11,475 and I have contributed annually since and the total contributed amount is $258,825.  It is a good reminder that you just have to start somewhere and I started that journey 18 years ago! The compounded returns from the SRS portfolio is 1.57x and 5.2% IRR.

The Sunday Times today has two interesting articles "side-by-side". The first is on the cartoon on the left. You need to master the art of saving first. So if you haven't cultivated the habit of savings, you should start saving immediately. 

Source: Sunday Times 23 June 2024

The second is on Gyemoims - I learnt a new term today. It is a Korean term for people who form financial planning groups to save for future expenses. For example, 3 college buddies contributing $100 each month to a common savings pool and then spending it on intended purposes such as travelling years later.  

If you find it challenging to start your journey to financial freedom, perhaps it is time to find people with the same common goal to do it together. You could even forge a strong friendship along the way! 

Happy SRSing!


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